Prenatal Care

Chiropractic care through pregnancy is one of the best things you can do for your body and your baby. Each visit I’m assessing movement and position of the pelvis which your uterus is anchored to through ligaments. Through chiropractic care we can balance the pelvis as a bony structure, balance muscle tension across the pelvis, hips, and abdomen, and reduce any torsional patterns that will have a ripple effect into the uterus. Optimal alignment of the mothers pelvis makes for the easiest passage for baby on their journey from your womb to your arms.

I treat all common pregnancy symptoms from rib pain, to sciatica, low back pain, round ligament pain etc, but I structure my practice around a salutogenic model focusing on wellness and optimal health over disease and pathology. I don’t want to just “fix” you, I want to help you be well and feel your best. I recommend monthly if not biweekly care, and weekly closer to the end of pregnancy.

During pregnancy it’s easy for baby to become the focus of your care, but you must realize that you are the vessel, the home for your baby. That’s what motherhood is, you are becoming someone’s home. Take care of your baby’s home!